About The Author

Terrie Stadler

          After working some 36 years in the electronics industry Terrie decided to retire from her position as an electrical drafter and end her career there in West Palm Beach, Florida. She then decided to move across the state to Fort Myers and be closer to her daughter and their family. Since then Terrie has become burdened with debilitating health issues and spends a lot of time researching many various methods and therapies available for study to help patients with incurable diseases. This has been a ten-year journey that has proven to be quite tense as well as exasperating. Only recently in this 21st century has there been some rather remarkable promise of real relief in these lifelong physical conditions.

        My previous obligations have changed. I have been spending my time studying ancient esoteric histories & belief systems. There is so much. The deeper you probe the more is revealed. How about mud fossils? What is the purpose of the great pyramid and other amazing archeological sites? How about today & the great awakening? The higher frequencies, the age of Aquarius, and our unique place in this new world? That is me today. Pondering